BoatMates Stainless Folding Drink Holder Boatmates 2211-0
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BoatMates Stainless Folding Drink Holder Boatmates 2211-0
- Molded fingers adj to size of can or cup
- SS Mounting hardware included
- Fold up out of the way design
- Fold down ready to use design
BoatMates Stainless Folding Drink Holder Boatmates 2211-0 The ultimate in function, style and space efficiency. The Tournament Series folding drink holder is fabricated from 304 polished stainless steel for years of timeless good looks and functionality. The space saving folding design is also equipped with molded silicone fingers to adjust to the varying diameters of cans, cups, cozies and mugs. It also has a molded silicone coaster on the inside of the cover to reduce noise and to keep containers from sliding. Stainless steel mounting hardware is included, along with nylon sound dampening washers for positioning between the unit and the hull. The product is packaged in a clear sealed clamshell with four color graphics and mounting instructions. Size: 4.5"L x 5"W x 1"D (folded)
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